Kankyo Geijitsu Forest

Kankyo Geijitsu Forest


This garden rests in the hills of Mt. Sakurei. Using the scenery as his canvas, the caretaker of the garden uses the rocks, earth and trees to paint a beautiful picture of a revived Mother Nature. Come to experience a relaxing and “resetting” moment, and what a bit of nature can do for your soul.

Every year around mid-November, the leaves turn into brocade colors, attracting many visitors as one of Saga’s most famous autumn foliage viewing spots.

The most popular photo spot among them is the reflection autumn leaves at “Fuyu Sanso,” a villa made of scrap wood from an old house built 100 years ago. Visitors can enjoy a fantastic view of the vivid autumn leaves on the lacquer table.

There is also a walking course that allows visitors to stroll through the forest, so they can enjoy the natural air not only during the autumn foliage season, but also during the fresh green and early summer.

Recommended Season

  • Autumn leaf season


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