Hotel Okura JR Huis Ten Bosch

Stay at Huis Ten Bosch

Where to stay at Huis Ten Bosch?

There are 2 major choices where to stay at Huis Ten Bosch. One is stay at a hotel inside of the theme park. Another is stay outside of the theme park.

If you stay at a hotel inside of the theme park, you can walk around the park at early morning or enjoy the park until the late at night. Or, you can rest in your room without leaving the park.

Therefore, if you want to enjoy Huis Ten Bosch as much as you can, you may want to choose a hotel inside of the park.

Official hotels located inside of Huis Ten Bosch

There are 5 official hotels of Huis Ten Bosch located inside of the park. Each hotel has different features and price ranges. Therefore, it is recommended to check all of them and choose the one meeting your needs, budget and interest.

Here are the 5 official hotels:

Hotels around Huis Ten Bosch

If you plan not to stay at Huis Ten Bosch so long, you may want to stay outside of the park. There are 3 hotels located near Huis Ten Bosch.

Here are popular ones:

Huis Ten Bosch Information

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